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"Celebrating and Singing, Bleeding and Pining: Embodiment and Emotion in Walt Whitman and Adah Isaacs Menken." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 38.2 (2019)


“‘To Transcribe Them in a Fair and Legible Hand’: Hartford Female Seminary’s Handwritten Newspapers." Resources for American Literary Study 40 (2018) 51-71.


"Bodily Eyes: Vision and Perception in the Works of Jupiter Hammon." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews. 2018.


“Dissolving into Visibility: Early American Natural History and the Corporeality of Interspecies Encounters.” In Exploring Animal Encounters: Philosophical, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives. Eds. Dominik Ohrem and Matthew Calarco. Palgrave Macmillian. 2018.


"Crocodilian Transmission: Correspondence Networks in William Bartram and Thomas De Quincey." Configurations 22.3 (2014).


“Animating the Corpse: The Sutured Hybridity of Animal Puppets in Ladislas Starewitch’s The Tale of the Fox.” Humanimalia 5.1 (2013).


“‘An Essay on Slavery’: An Unpublished Poem by Jupiter Hammon.” Early American Literature 38.2 (2013).

Co-authored with Cedrick May


“Religion and Slavery in the Work of Jupiter Hammon.” Gale Researcher. 2016.


“A Study of Factors Influencing Success in an Intro to English Linguistics.” Student Learning: Improving Practice. Ed. Christopher Boyle. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2013.

Co-authored with Rebecca Babcock, Suzanne Rathbun, Jack Nichols, and Amanda McCain.


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